Roman Pool at Hearst Castle

Roman Pool

Here is one from the archives. Shot of the famous Roman Pool at Hearst Castle.

Back in 2014, we had planned a family vacation to Alaska. But on the day we were supposed to fly out of SFO, there was an accident on the runway (luckily there were couple of only minor injuries) which caused our flights to be cancelled. Since we were all ready and packed for a vacation, we went south of the bay to a little Danish town Solvang. On the way back we made a stop at Hearst Castle.

Its a tourist spot and worth a visit if you like to know how the famous William Randolph Hearst lived in his castle, known as Hearst Castle.

The place is huge and they have tours. They also had a photography tour, but we didn’t have time for it and went with the general tour. This meant that I couldn’t take my tripod and had to shoot handheld. During those years, I was heavily into bracketing my shots. With lack of light inside the mansion, the bracketing shots were definitely a huge help as when I review those files now, I can see that I don’t have to compromise much in post. They are a bit shaky, but still worthy of making a picture out of them.

When I saw this pool, known as Roman Pool, I was drawn to the color of blue in them. Apparently the designs on those tiles are actual gold fused into them. This construction of this pool spanned from 1927-1934. It took 7 years to complete and that should give you an idea on the scale. There are roman statues along the pool and in afternoon light, it really looks majestic.

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