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Stream in Black n White

Unknown Stream, Yellowstone

Another attempt at getting a milky water flow.

I’m still trying to process the huge backlog that I now have from the recent travel. During the initial screening I had decided not to work on this one. But everytime I looked at this one, I kept bursting out in laughter as it kept reminding me of the funny situation I was in while taking this shot.

The light was good to get some water motion in pictures and I had realized it. Unfortunately I wasn’t even close to anything that had some kind of water flowing. To top that, Nidhi was pretty hungry too and kinda acting cranky. So we stopped at Tower Falls. While at the parking lot, I was running around to figure out if there was any kind of flowing water which I was now so eager to try it out. My wife pointed out that she heard some sound of a stream. If she could hear it, then it should be nearby and I began running up and down the roads to see where the sound was coming from. Finally found it right under bridge and pretty close to the parking lot itself. With little bit of climbing, jumping across branches I got to the banks of it. Since the light was fading pretty fast, I just choose couple of areas and began shooting. Even have one with the bridge. My wife had a huge laugh looking at how desperate I was during this entire episode.

Tech Details:
Exposure: 1.6s
Aperture: f22
ISO: 200
Lens: 18-105 @45mm

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